The hitchhiker's guide to PPC management [Infographic]

Posted by Jo Cameron on 6 May, 2015
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Don't Panic! Use this galactic guide to navigate your way through the PPC universe

Guide to PPC

With over 90% of online experiences beginning with search – and more than 7 in 10 users admitting they won't scroll past the first page of results – PPC gives you the chance to increase search visibility and, in doing so, generate valuable additional traffic.

But in the cutthroat world of pay-per-click, every click and every dollar matters.

Beginners often find themselves staring into a large and frightening black hole, grasping to make critical decisions around their campaigns. What keywords should be targeted? How much should be spent? How should campaigns be measured and tracked?

Ecommerce platform provider AmeriCommerce recently released a range of content under the banner of 'The Hitchhikers Guide to Ecommerce PPC Management' – a volume of infographics and videos, as well as a comprehensive 4 part guide to PPC written by Travis Phipps, founder of

This free content has been designed to provide even total beginners with the tools they need to win at PPC.

You'll find out all about best practices, keyword match types, multiple bid strategies, ad scheduling, common acronyms, and more.

Read on to get the full story!

Hitchhiker's Guide to PPC

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