Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending January 9th, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 9 Jan, 2013
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Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly round-up of the best SEO-related articles

Wordtracker's weekly round-up of SEO-related articles.

Good egg

Whether you like it or not, there's There's no avoiding Google+ @Amir Efrati explains why in the Wall Street Journal.

One of the most thoughtful prediction articles that surfaced at the end of last year by Ken McGaffin in Search Engine Watch 10 Reasons Why Public Relations is a ‘Must-do’ for SEO in 2013 @mcgaffin

And this is another: 21 Social media predictions for 2013 from the pros @CindyKing

Wondering where to start with content marketing? Here's a blog post by yours truly: Content Marketing Part 1: Company Blogs @WebnWords

Google's data highlighter appeared in Webmaster Tools last year. And it could be an indication of the way Google's heading. Read Wil Reynolds' Google’s Data Highlighter and a view into the future of SEO @wilreynolds

Todd Giannattasio ran an experiment for a time to see how much traffic and business he could get by blogging much more frequently than usual. See the results here: 50 Posts In 25 Days Project: Week Five Results @tresnic

Timely and latching onto the 'new' is a strategy PR professionals have been using for years. These days, content marketers are using the same strategy to great advantage. Here are some examples to inspire, in Newsjacking: 6 Tips to Help Your Branded Content Use the News @MarkSherbin

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