Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up, 17 July 2013

Posted by Julie McNamee on 16 Jul, 2013
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Discover the best SEO-related articles from the week ending 17 July 2013.

This week's SEO-related articles round-up includes the latest SEO ranking factors, Matt Cutts on link building, the good and bad of landing page optimization and word of mouth marketing.


Proof if proof were needed that if you're not producing great content that gets shared on Google+ and Facebook, and gets linked to, you should be: SEO Ranking Factors – Rank Correlation 2013 for Google USA via @Searchmetrics

Do you know your informational keyword intent from your navigational? If not, read Advanced SEO For Ecommerce: Maximizing Keyword Spread by @nick_eubanks

Matt Cutts answers Eric Enge's questions on link building. A must-read if you're involved in link building in any way: Link Building Is Not Illegal (or Inherently Bad) with Matt Cutts via @stonetemple

A great way of discovering exactly what's good and bad about a landing page is by having an expert critique a real page or two. @ericsestimate does this in: 17 Landing Page Examples Get a Good Old Fashioned Roasting via @unbounce

Everything you every wanted to know about WOMM (well, some of it - it's a big subject): Small Business Guide to Word of Mouth Marketing via @targetlocalteam

Have a really good look at the content on your site. Does it measure up? Use this blog post and spreadsheet to help find out: How to Perform a Content Audit by @KristinaKledzik via @distilled

PageRank Is So Very 2012 and Trust Flow is so very 2013. Natalie Halami explains on @sejournal

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