Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending April 11, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 10 Apr, 2013
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Read our round-up of our favorite SEO-related articles from week ending April 11th 2013 - local business help, social search statistics and city landing pages feature.

Tools for local businesses, social search statistics and city landing pages all feature in this week's round-up of our favorite SEO-related articles.

Good egg

Providing value is the future of content marketing. Neil Patel at @kissmetrics advises how to in The Future of Content Marketing Revealed

Hobo have come up with a very handy monitor to keep on top of changes to Google's rules Top 50 Google Webmaster Guidelines Pages Monitor at @Hobo_Web

You'll find all the social media search statistics you need in these two articles from Courtney Gibb on Marketing Profs (registration required - free) Social search optimization on Five Major Social Networks Part 1 and Part 2

Learn how city-targeted landing pages can increase your search engine visibility in the SEO Igloo Blog The Nitty Gritty of City Landing Pages for Local Business

As a hotel or restaurant owner, take advantage of Google Maps Engine Lite to increase conversion from @webnwords

Myles Anderson in 10 Things SEOs and SMBs Should Know About the New Google Places Dashboard gives a good overview of what has and hasn't happened to Google Places.

The internet is a fickle place and Google make decisions that which cause discontent: as a result there will inevitably be a successor to this most powerful of search engines. But who will it be? Nate Gancher on Search Marketing Standard investigates in Who Will Rule After Google? @smstandard

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