Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending February 22nd, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 15 Feb, 2013
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Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up from Wordtracker, the leading keyword research tool

Search and social, psychographic targeting and future problems for accepting guest blog posts feature in this week's Good Eggs round-up.

Good egg

There's an enormous list of link building strategies that, because it gets updated, is occasionally worth revisiting: Link Building Strategies – The Complete List from PointBlankSEO.

Make sure you read this if you accept blog posts: Why Blogs That Allow Blog Posts Will Be Penalized in 2013 from ProBlogger.

Ladies - we're just not making an effort: Social User Report: Women Trump Men Across All Social Platforms Except Twitter by Greg Finn, Marketing Land.

These are where your SEO priorities should be in 2013: How Search and Social Will Hit the Fast Forward Button in 2013 by Jim Yu in Search Engine Land.

Here's an article that will make us all feel a bit better about our local marketing efforts: Study Reveals Brand Marketers Most Clueless and Inept at Localization

Marty Weintraub was an inspirational keynote speaker at SES London earlier this week, and he was talking about psychographic targeting on Facebook, YouTube and the like. Here's an article from him on the subject: Psychographic Targeting Unhinged! The Zen Of “Whole Customer” Persona Modeling

The integration of SEO and social media is a must these days, and here Virginia Nussey talks to author Rob Garner about the how and why of going about it: "Search and Social" Love Connection with Rob Garner

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