Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending January 31st, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 31 Jan, 2013
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Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up from Wordtracker, the leading keyword research tool

This week's round-up of our favorite SEO-related articles features articles on Vine, a first look at Facebook's Graph Search and some cookie law-bashing.

Good egg

The #1 Problem with Local Blogging & Local Content Web marketing expert Matt McGee offers some advice on how to produce local content that gets your website seen by the right people.

And the Nominees for best 2013 Content Marketing Ideas Are There's nothing like using a bit of Oscar-related content to get your ideas shared at this time of year. This one, as the name suggests, is all about content marketing.

What Makes Vine So Hot? One of the big stories of the past week has been Instagram's competitor, Vine. Here's Chris Taylor's take on whether the new iPhone app is worth all the hype.

True Professions of an Inbound Marketer Mike Fleming surprises himself with the number of hats he has to wear in his day-to-day job.

The New SEO: Search Marketing Integration What's search marketing all about these days? Brad Miller sets out his ideas for 2013.

The stupid cookie law is dead at last Oliver Emberton mourns the passing of (not) the infamous Cookie Law.

What Local Search Looks Like in Facebook’s New Graph Search This one's another Matt McGee article. It includes screenshots of Facebook's new smart search engine.

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