The latest SEO ranking factors

Posted by Jo Cameron on 10 Dec, 2014
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It's a good time to revise your on-page SEO techniques. Make sure you're up to date with the latest methods and be sure to avoid old tricks that could get you penalized.

ranking factors

Now is not the time for sitting on our preverbal haunches, there are people out there searching for your product and you can't get into their field of vision if your site is not showing up on their results page. The world of SEO has seen some updates and shake ups, and possible some shake downs. But for the everyman/woman the basic principles remain in place.


-create keyword rich, good quality, original content

-write good title tags with your primary keyword 50-60 characters

-keep ads below the fold

-monitor your analytics, test and revise

-add new content regularly so Google has something tasty to churn

-build a community on social networks

-make sure you site is speedy and ready for mobile visitors

-link logically within your own site

best practice SEO


-misuse semantic markup

-create pages with thin content or pages with keywords stuffed in

-scrape content

-participate in linking networks or bother with crummy low quality links

Thanks to Shane Barker for this great infographic guide to SEO ranking factors.




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