Stuff we like 1 May 2014

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 1 May, 2014
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Keyword Tool redesign, Google's title page criteria, win a SMX London pass and more...

It's officially May! 

Let's start off with some major Wordtracker news - we’re pleased to announce that we have redeveloped our old Keyword Tool, bringing it up to date in both form and function. You can get all the details here - also we’d love to know your thoughts on the new design so feel free to contact us.

This week Matt Cutts faced two questions on the Webmaster's YouTube account with

What criteria does Google use to change the title it shows in the SERPs depending on the query? Does schema influence that? Maybe headings (h1, h2..) have more weight?

Why Google search results doesn't show the current meta title of webpage? Instead of meta title search results show H1 tag from HTML page?

His general response was that whenever the team try to choose a title they stick to a criteria -

  1. Titles are kept relatively short
  2. Good page description
  3. Relevant to the query

His tip to remember - make sure your title reflects your site so the user knows what they are going to get when they are clicking on your link. Matt also stated that you can attempt to anticipate what a user is going to type - just ensure you're helping the user, if that’s what they are looking for.

If you follow us on Twitter then you will know that we are currently running a competition #WTSMX - If you’re a blogger and live in the UK then this is something you'll want to enter! Send us your best blog post to and you could be in for a chance to feature on the Wordtracker blog and win a two-day SMX London Wordtracker team pass (£890). Further details right here. (Competition ends Thursday 8th)

More redesigns with Firefox 29. On Tuesday they uploaded a YouTube video with Jonathan Nightingale, VP Firefox exploring the new features. New menu, beautiful but less distracting tabs, toolbars, add-ons and more. A nice change, what do you think?

I mentioned back in December that I had been introduced to the motion tracking app Moves. Well, last week they announced via a blog post that they will joining forces with Facebook:

Now, we’re joining Facebook’s talented team to work on building and improving their products and services with a shared mission of supporting simple, efficient tools for more than a billion people.

For those of you that use the Moves app – the Moves experience will continue to operate as a standalone app, and there are no plans to change that or comingle data with Facebook.

Moves has had more than four million downloads across Android and iOS since the launch January 2013. What do you think of the news?

See you all next week!

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