Google Ads to allow CBD promotions in 3 US locations

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 10 Jan, 2023
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Advertising of certain CBD products greenlighted in California, Colorado and Puerto Rico.

Google Ads CBD.

Image: Pixabay

Google Ads has posted an update to its policies on Dangerous Products and Services, and Healthcare and Medicines.

From 20 January, the promotion of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals containing CBD and certain topical, hemp-derived products will be allowed in California, Colorado and Puerto Rico.

“On January 20, 2023, the Dangerous Products and Services and Healthcare and Medicines Google Ads policies will be updated to allow for the promotion of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals containing cannabidiol (CBD) and topical, hemp-derived CBD products with THC content of 0.3% or less in California, Colorado, and Puerto Rico.”

Certain formats, including YouTube Masthead, will not be eligible for serving.


The new policies mean that brands will be able to advertise CBD products in the three approved locations. Advertisers need to be certified with Google and can apply for certification from 20 January, once Google publishes the certification form.

Legitscript: Only CBD products that have been certified by LegitScript can be promoted on Google. 

Applications for certification can be submitted now on the LegitScript website. The process requires that any product sought to be advertised:

  1. provide samples of their product to test for compliance with legal THC limits
  2. provide LegitScript with a third-party Certificate of Analysis.

Other CBD products still banned

Google said CBD will be removed from the list of Unapproved Pharmaceuticals and Supplements.  All ads promoting other CBD-based products such as supplements, food additives and inhalants continue to be prohibited.

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