Voice search 101 for marketers [infographic]

Posted by Wordtracker on 13 Aug, 2019
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Voice search is a big deal, but it's only just getting started. As the tech evolves, it will become even more important to business.

New tech is transforming the way people interact with search engines and with their devices. The arrival of smartphones, smart speakers and digital voice assistants has opened a new chapter in search, moving on from the original model of typing a query into a search box.

With the various tech companies vying to gain a foothold, voice search is fast becoming mainstream.

People use voice not just to search, but to ask questions and once they try it they tend to stick with it. 71% of voice assistant users say they’d rather search via voice than by typing.

Voice search is already making a big impact in changing the nature of search, and in particular areas such as local search. Check out the infographic below to find out why voice is so big, and what businesses should do to adapt and benefit.

Source: MDG Advertising

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