Google to show site names in mobile search results

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 17 Oct, 2022
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New format also includes larger favicon and more prominent Sponsored label for ads.

Google mobile results.

Google has announced the introduction of site names in mobile search results, to make it easier to identify the website associated with each result.  The site name will appear in a prominent position, above the url.

Additionally, Google will be updating the size and shape of the favicon shown to the left of the site name and url, to make it easier to see on the page.

Here’s Google's gif of the new format:

Site name

Google uses a number of sources to identify the correct site name for a search result. However, you can tell Google what your site name should be using structured data on your home page.  Google’s site name documentation has details of how to do this.

Site names are currently available for mobile results in English, French, Japanese and German. Further languages will be added over the next few month.


Google recommends providing an icon that’s at least 48px and follows existing favicon guidelines.

It also advises siteowners to check out the favicon documentation for the latest best practices.

Search Ads

These changes will be applied to Search Ads, which don’t currently show a favicon.

The way paid results are labeled on mobile is also changing. The current Ad tag will be replaced by a larger Sponsored tag on its own line above the result. 

Google says the aim is to make sure paid content is prominently labeled and distinguishable from search results.


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